All Classes Are Suspended Until Further Notice
Dear Parents,
As you are probably aware, the DSEJ has suspended all classes until further notice (Latest DSEJ Update). This is a preventive measure to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and, as a school in Macau, we follow their direction and guidance. We will receive at least one week notice of when classes will resume. When classes resume, you can be assured that we will have the necessary preventative measures in place for all students, staff, parents, and visitors.
School principals have set up guidelines and expectations regarding online learning. All teachers will be providing daily, online lessons and materials for your child; it is our intention and mission to maintain quality learning under this very difficult situation. Please support to ensure your child is engaging in the lessons and completing necessary assignments and learning activities.
Events such as the Open House, Experience Week, Athletic competitions, and other field trips that are planned over the next 6-8 weeks are all postponed or cancelled. Our staff is working with the travel providers to organize the complicated process of refunds and credits for Experience Week. We will know more details over the next couple of weeks.
Should classes be suspended for an extended period of time, we will have plans in place to address the situation. As it stands, it is difficult to assess when we can expect to be back at school. During this time, parents and students are not permitted on campus and should check the website regularly for updates. Our Communications department will also communicate through email and Facebook as necessary.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter. We will continue to work together as a school community to support one another.
有鑒於澳門國際學校在此艱難的時期,仍以保持高質量學習作為目標及使命,因此校長已就網上學習訂定指引及期望。在這個時期,學校所有老師將每日為學生提供在線學習的內容及教材。請 貴家長務必支持子女,確保他們每天參與課程,完成老師要求的作業及學習活動。

Mark Lockwood
Head of School/ 澳門國際學校負責人