February 18th CODVID-19 Update
Dear Parents,
I hope this update finds all of our families safe and healthy during this difficult time. As you may already be aware, the MSAR government announced yesterday, a 14 day quarantine for non-resident workers coming from mainland China or who have been to China in the past 14 days. Please see the government news story here. As of yet, we have not heard how this may impact our students and families who live in Zhuhai and come to Macau on a daily basis. We will continue to monitor and follow the government’s lead and support wherever possible.
If, as a family, you have been travelling outside of Macau during this time, please be aware and prepared that you may be required to self-quarantine for up to 14 days upon return to Macau. The government has not implemented the requirement as of yet and I mention this only as a precaution and consideration with how conditions are constantly changing.
The government is keeping us well informed and have assured schools that we will have at least a week’s notice of when classes can resume. We expect that there will need to be some flexibility and adapting for individual circumstances when classes resume and we are prepared to support our students and families when the time comes.
Administration and management continue to meet to adjust the school calendar for the remainder of 2019-20 as necessary. The online teaching does count as instructional days and should not impede your child’s progress in completing the grade your child is in this year.
Again, thank you very much for your continued support and effort during this time. We are all looking forward to getting back to the regular routines of school.
新型冠狀病毒狀況更新 (COVID-19)
在此先祝願您和您的家人在這段困難的時期平安健康。誠如 閣下所知,澳門特區政府昨日宣佈,但凡入境澳門前14天曾居住或進出中國內地的非澳門居民,必須在政府的要求下隔離14天,方可入境。請點繫此處查看澳門行政長官頒佈的第40/2020號批示內容。雖然目前我們尚未清楚相關規定將如何影響每天必須進出澳門境內上學的學生,但學校方面會密切留意資訊並儘可能跟隨政府的規定。
學校的行政及管理部門也持續開會,並根據需要調整2019-20學年下半學年的校歷表。目前的線上教學系統確實被拼入教學日程中,且不妨礙 貴子女完成本學年的學業。
本人謹在此感謝 貴家長在這段時間在學習上的支持及努力,期盼在不久的日子可回歸正常的校園生活。祝安.

Mark Lockwood
Head of School