Inclement Weather Announcement
As Macao enters the rainy season, we can expect heavy rainfalls and possible typhoons which may affect the school day. In severe weather conditions the School adheres to official public announcements from the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) and the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ).
Broadcasts are usually announced on the DSEJ website and on local radio and television channels before 6:30am and are repeated at regular and frequent intervals throughout the day. The updates will also be posted on our Facebook page and also sent via SMS for those who have subscribed. To subscribe to the School’s SMS service Click Here.
NOTE: When a Rainstorm Warning or Tropical Cyclone Signal 3 is issued during school hours, our class arrangements differ from the other schools in Macao as our students remain at school during their lunch break. In such cases, TIS remains open and classes continue as normal. School buses will also run as normal. Parents of kindergarten and elementary students who decide to pick up their children early must check in at the North Wing Office to ensure that all students are duly noted and accounted for. Teachers will be notified and a staff member will accompany the child to the office. Secondary students may only leave early if the school has received notification from the parents that they will be picked up from school, and the student has been signed out through the Secondary School office.

遇上惡劣天氣的情況下,教青局會於早上6時30分之前在網站澳門教育暨青年局(DSEJ)上公佈當天的上課安排。而澳門電台及電視台亦會不斷廣播及顯示即時的天氣情況。 學校亦會將上課安排透過學校Facebook專頁、手機短訊(適用於已登記家長)等方式公佈。登記手機短訊通知請點擊此處。