Inspiring Educators with our E-NABLE project
By Howard Tong, Grade 12

Grade 12 student Domi Wang represented TIS Macao recently at two conferences; one in Hefei and the other in Guangzhou. The conference in Hefei was the SUGARGKO (Stanford University Global Alliance for Redesign), which focused on creativity and innovative designs for students. During the presentation, Domi talked about the TIS E-NABLE team, which is a student-led organization whose purpose and goal is to build prosthetic hands for individuals who are in need. The other conference, CIEO/CIS International Education Conference held in Guangzhou, emphasized innovation and improvement of education. His focus there was to talk about the importance of passion in education, which is the main reason why he got involved in both robotics and E-NABLE.
When asked about how E-NABLE started, Domi said: “TIS E-NABLE was founded by three students from the graduating class of 2018 - Daniel, Hou Un and Marco - under the guidance of Robotics teacher Mr. Voykin. During the first year, they built four prosthetic hands that were sent to Kosovo. These were not custom designed for any specific individuals. Going into the second year of the project, we sourced clients ourselves to make custom designed prosthetics and we found a child in Zhuhai (Yu Feng) who was born without a hand. We ended up customizing a prosthetic hand for him and delivered the hand to him at the end of the 2018-2019 school year. Currently, my team is still working with Yu Feng, and our goal is to add power functions to the hand which will make controlling the hand easier.”