March 11 COVID-19 Update on Classes Resuming and Spring Break
Dear Parents,
Thank-you for your patience and support as we continue to work through this very challenging coronavirus situation. This letter is to update you on two important considerations this month: 1) the original Spring Break and, 2) the most recent announcement of resumption of classes in Macau.
1. Spring Break (March 30- April 4)
We had hoped to be back to school sometime this month and that was why we moved the Spring Break from the last week in March to the week of March 2nd. Now that we find the original date for Spring Break almost upon us and classes still suspended, the decision has been made that staff and families who choose to travel during the original Spring Break will be accommodated, but with considerations and conditions.
Please consider the following:
travel to different countries is getting more difficult and there are many travel advisories, with many countries being labelled as high risk. For your safety and and the health of others, please do not travel to any of these destinations.
airlines are cancelling service to and from countries based on the spread of the virus.
quarantines are being implemented in Macau and other countries, depending on the spread.
If you choose to travel the following conditions apply:
travellers take responsibility for any and all quarantines that may apply upon arrival to the destination country, or back to Macau.
if notice is given that classes will start again, your travel does not interfere with your child’s ability to attend the classes.
online teaching will continue that week, but teachers will adjust the learning in consideration for themselves and for families that may choose to travel.
As the global situation is changing daily, be sure to monitor and adjust your plans accordingly.
2. Resumption of Classes Announcement
As many of you may be aware, the government announced yesterday that non-tertiary classes will resume no later than April 20th, based on an assessment of the public health situation regarding disease control in Macao and neighbouring cities. If you have not seen the news, here is the link to the government announcement. In addition, there will be special arrangements for Form 6 (grade 12) students to allow them to return to school at the end of March on a voluntary basis, so they can prepare for university admission.
This is good news and we are excited about the potential of getting back to classes sooner rather than later.
To prepare for classes resuming by the suggested dates, it is important for all families to make the necessary plans so that your children will be able to start back. We will be sharing the actual start back dates for TIS Macao, by grade, before the end of March. This should give families enough time to return to Macau and take into consideration necessary quarantines. We are planning to implement a staggered start, beginning with the high school grades and then proceeding down to Kindergarten over a span of one week. More information will be provided to parents next week.
The government is allowing for students in Grade 12 courses to start back, voluntarily, as early as March 30th, but conditions will apply. The Administration is reviewing the criteria and will plan for this accommodation accordingly, for Diploma Exam courses and IB Exam courses. It will be designed as optional and tutorial, with no new information being presented, but as an opportunity to prepare and review. More specific information will be shared next week with our students enrolled in these courses.
Let’s continue to hope that all goes well and we are able to get back to normal routines in the very near future.

Mark Lockwood
Head of School
新型冠狀病毒狀況更新 (COVID-19) - 復活節假期及復課安排
1. 原定的復活節假期(3月30至4月4日)
2. 復課通知
誠如閣下所知,澳門社會文化司司長歐陽瑜昨日表示,考慮到本澳及鄰近地區的疫情發展,疫情防範工作由防內地輸入轉變為防外地輸入,本澳非高等教育學校預計不遲於4月20日復課,至於高三學生預計可在3月底回校,作升大準備。詳事請參考澳門特區政府新型冠狀病毒感染應變協調中心 -- 抗疫專頁。

Mark Lockwood