February 28 COVID-19 Update: Resumption of Classes
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to work through this very difficult coronavirus situation.
It is with great disappointment that I share with you the latest notice from the DSEJ that classes will not resume in Macau until April. We had really hoped to see students, staff and parents back in school and returning to normal routines sooner, rather than later. However, the delay in the resumption of classes will continue.
DSEJ Director Mr. Lou Pak Seng announced last evening that the following two conditions must be met in order for classes to resume:
Macau and Guangdong Province do not have any new confirmed cases of Covid-19 for 14 consecutive days, and
ZhuHai and Zhongshan have resumed school operations.
DSEJ also indicated that it will give 14 days notice on the re-opening date of schools.
Key points:
DSEJ expects that classes in Macau could resume at the end of April or earlier,
Enrollment process for the school year 2020/21 will be postponed to May,
DSEJ is working on the guidelines for school operation, ECA's, exams, hygiene, etc.
The DSEJ is calling teachers and students who live in Macau to return to Macau, except for those people who are staying in high risk regions.
As a school, we have planned many scenarios to accommodate for the interruption to the school year, but this latest development does make it more difficult. With that said, we are confident that we can accommodate and overcome this challenge.
Teachers will continue to do an excellent job with online learning by going above and beyond what is expected by the government. The break from online learning will continue as planned for the week of March 2nd to the 6th, and will resume on March 9th.
With respect to our Grade 12 students, we are working with IB and Alberta Education to address this latest development and how it will impact the exams they are expected to write in April, May, and June.
If you have made plans based on the original spring break of March 28- April 5th, I would advise against cancelling them. Parents can expect another communication from me next week.
We greatly appreciate the support and understanding of our parent community during this very challenging time. We know how much stress this puts on families and all of us are doing everything we can to get through this. We will get through this together and come out stronger on the other side.

Mark Lockwood
Head of School
新型冠狀病毒狀況更新 (COVID-19)
本人首先在此感謝 貴家長在這段非常時期對學校表達的耐心和支持。
為超越澳門政府就目前停課安排對學校的期望,老師們將繼續做好線上學習的工作。在3月2日至6日的復活節假期期間線上學習將暫停一週, 至3月9日恢復線上學習。
學校方面建議 閣下可以保留原定於3月28日至4月5日期間的外遊安排。家長們若有任何疑慮可於下週與本人聯絡。
